Launch of the ALL-IN Project Website: Advancing Language Learning for Inclusive Narratives

Launch of the ALL-IN Project Website: Advancing Language Learning for Inclusive Narratives

The launch of the digital platform of the project "ALL-IN: Advancing Language Learning for Inclusive Narratives" marks an important milestone in the promotion of inclusive communication across Europe. This project, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program, Key Action 2, Cooperation Partnerships in Youth, is developed by a consortium of six organizations from five European countries: Spain, Italy, Poland, Belgium and France. The website, available at, is designed to be a dynamic and educational platform that provides innovative resources and tools to foster inclusive communication and language practices. With an intuitive and accessible interface, the website is aimed at both young people and the general public, facilitating access to high quality educational materials and promoting an inclusive learning environment. ALL-IN website key features: Multilingual: the platform and its resources are available in five languages, English, Spanish, Italian, French and Polish, thus eliminating language barriers to learning. Accessible: the site has AA accessibility level compliance criteria, such as high contrast option, text...
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The UNITY EUROPE digital platform is now available in English!

The UNITY EUROPE digital platform is now available in English!

The UNITY EUROPE consortium is pleased to announce that its digital platform of open educational resources is now open and available to the public in English. UNITY EUROPE is a project co-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Cooperation partnerships in youth. The project is implemented by a partnership of six organisations from France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Cyprus and Türkiye. UNITY EUROPE project aims to enhance the social and professional integration of young immigrants (aged 18 to 30) in Europe by equipping them with essential skills and fostering active citizenship. Specific objectives include strengthening employability, promoting intercultural dialogue, and creating a digital platform with training resources. These objectives align with the EU priorities of inclusion and diversity, active citizenship, and youth employability. The digital platform is one of the project's outputs, as the main means of disseminating the other results to the target groups. In order to reach a wider audience, the platform will soon...
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The ALL-IN consortium has successfully held its kick-off meeting

The ALL-IN consortium has successfully held its kick-off meeting

On 14 March, the ALL-IN consortium successfully held the kick-off meeting of the project, in which partners from Spain, Italy, Poland, Belgium and France participated. The meeting was led by IT Solutions for All, as coordinating partner, and was a chance for all partners to introduce their respective organisations and team members. During the meeting, the different work packages that will be implemented during the 24 months of the project were presented. These packages include all the activities necessary to achieve the project objectives, through horizontal management activities, research and identification of good practices, creation of training materials and gamification elements, creation of an e-learning platform, testing and validation of the results, dissemination and communication. ALL-IN is a project co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, Cooperation partnerships in youth, that aims to promote inclusive communication and language practices through the development of an innovative curriculum and an Open Educational Resources (OER) platform. Its...
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Unlocking Digital Potential: the DREAM Project Successfully Concludes Mapping and Stocktaking ofDigital Challenges and Opportunities for MSMEs

Unlocking Digital Potential: the DREAM Project Successfully Concludes Mapping and Stocktaking ofDigital Challenges and Opportunities for MSMEs

The DREAM project is thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of Work Package 2 (WP2) – “Mapping and stocktaking of digital entrepreneurship challenges for MSMEs”. This collaborative effort, involving partners from Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Spain, has conducted an extensive analysis of the digitalisation needs of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in the post-pandemic landscape. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Commission, the DREAM project takes a pioneering approach to address the challenges brought by COVID-19 and digitalization, specifically focusing on the realms of Vocational Education & Training (VET) and MSMEs, with an emphasis on microenterprises. DREAM aims to bolster digital readiness, resilience, and capacity, empowering VET providers to deliver high-quality training. This project endeavours to enhance the flexibility of opportunities in MSMEs and VET by developing digital content that can be delivered through custom-made Open Educational Resources (OER). The first phase of DREAM’s implementation witnessed the consortium laying the groundwork for the entire project through WP2, a...
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<strong>Capturing the Essence of Rural Women: the MORE Photographic Contest comes to a successful conclusion</strong>

Capturing the Essence of Rural Women: the MORE Photographic Contest comes to a successful conclusion

The MORE project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, proudly announces the successful completion of its photographic contest. The contest, launched across seven rural territories in Europe, has played a vital role in promoting the multifunctional roles of women in rural areas and emphasizing their significance in preserving the essence of rural life in Europe. The MORE project, which brings together eight Partners from six countries including Belgium, Italy, Romania, Greece, Spain, and Poland, is dedicated to enhancing the access to training opportunities and qualifications for EU rural women. Through the establishment of local "Rural Women Hubs" (RWHs), the project aims to empower and celebrate the contributions of women in rural communities. The photographic contest held by each Rural Women Hub provided a captivating glimpse into the lives, businesses, and activities of women in rural areas. Participants showcased their artistic flair and storytelling abilities, illustrating the diverse and vital roles played by women in the rural landscapes of Europe. Among...
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<strong>Digital DREAM Lab is already online in English</strong>

Digital DREAM Lab is already online in English

We are happy to announce that the Digital DREAM Lab is now online in English on! Digital DREAM Lab is the open educational resource (OER) platform that will host the main results of the project and will be available for the duration of the project and even 3 years after its completion. The platform is fully open and free of charge, user-friendly and responsive, and soon will also be available in French, Italian, Spanish, Slovenian and Greek in order to reach a wider audience. DREAM is an innovative and timely project that tackles the challenges of COVID-19 and digitalization in the two worlds of Vocational Education & Training (VET) and Small and Medium Enterprises, with a focus on microenterprises with less than 10 staff (MSMEs). DREAM is also a co-funded project in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme, developed by a consortium of 7 partners from 6 countries (France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Slovenia and Greece), with the objectives of provide up-to-date training to MSMEs...
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