IT Solutions for All has participated in the “Málaga Voluntaria Awards”,

IT Solutions for All has participated in the “Málaga Voluntaria Awards”,

IT Solutions for All has participated in the "Málaga Voluntaria Awards", which took place on December 5th at the Cervantes Theater.  They have been awarded Womet, Asites, María Esperanza Oña and Fundación El Pimpi, also received a special mention Carmen Martell Pino of the Asociación Vive. It has been a great opportunity to share this enriching night with the volunteers of Malaga, who every day make their contribution to the community.  We have presented the Disk project, which aims to ensure active aging for the elderly, helping them through new technologies. ...
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Digital Skills for an Ageing Europe: third Transnational Project Meeting of DISK

Digital Skills for an Ageing Europe: third Transnational Project Meeting of DISK

Digital Skills for an Ageing Europe: third TransnationalProject Meeting of DISK On September 22nd 2022, partners joined the third transnational meeting of the DISK project, an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission. DISK gathers 8 organisations from 6 different countries (France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Republic of North Macedonia). The meeting took place in Malaga, hosted by the Spanish partner ITSFA.The main aim of the meeting was to assess the development of the project and its Intellectual Outputs, in particular IO4. After checking the status of the OER platform, partners shared their experiences regarding the Test & Validation activities and defined a timeline for the production of the Guidelines and Policy Recommendations. Those partners, who had already carried out T&V sessions, reported that they collected positive feedbacks from the target group. Learners were satisfied of the training developed by the Consortium and confirmed that the modules’ content will help them to close their digital skills gap and...
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PREDICT Transnational Project Meeting and Multiplier Event.

PREDICT Transnational Project Meeting and Multiplier Event.

On October 28 and 29, 2021 in Sofia, R. Bulgaria, representatives from Military Academy and partner institutions realized two work activities (Transnational meeting and Multiplier event) were held within the project PREDICT - Prevention of Disaster ICT (Informatics and Computer Technology) from the ERASMUS + program of the European Union (KA 201 - Strategic Partnership for School Education). Meetings were in the organization of General Directorate Fire Safety and civil protection from Sofia, R. Bulgaria. At the transnational meeting, the project partners (representatives of institutions from the R.N. Macedonia, R. Bulgaria, and the Kingdom of Spain, discussed the project commitments realized so far, as well as the planned activities in the coming period. At the Multiplier event in two separate working sessions, the attendees (representatives of schools and other institutions close to the issues addressed in the project) were introduced to the goals and activities of the PREDICT project. At this event, the content of the lesson for the training of children, youth,...
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Presentation of the travel exhibition “Through Darkness to Light” as part of the ATS VIP project awareness campaign.

Presentation of the travel exhibition “Through Darkness to Light” as part of the ATS VIP project awareness campaign.

Presentation of the travel exhibition “Through Darkness to Light” as part of the ATS VIP project awareness campaign. Now it is available on the ATS VIP web site the result of the travel exhibition “Through Darkness to Light”, one more activity carried out within the awareness campaign within the framework of Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons (ATS VIP) project. This initiative, carried out by the 3 member countries of the ATS VIP consortium, Macedonia, Romania and Spain, shows a fictitious trip carried out by a sighted person, deprived of sight to make the video, together with a companion. During the trip, these people were able to experience some of the challenges that blind and visually impaired people face every day when traveling. This is one of the initiatives included within the ATS VIP project awareness campaign, in addition to this activity, the visitors to the website can find interviews, discussion groups, a contest about travel experiences or protocols and tips...
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Presentation of the video compilation of the activities carried out as part of the ATS VIP project awareness campaign.

Presentation of the video compilation of the activities carried out as part of the ATS VIP project awareness campaign.

Presentation of the video compilation of the activities carried out as part of the ATS VIP project awareness campaign. Now it is available on the ATS VIP web site the video compilation of the awareness campaign carried out under the “Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons” (ATS VIP) project. This video shows a tour of pictures of all the activities carried out by the ATS VIP consortium within the social awareness campaign carried out as part of the project. We can see a summary of the interviews with blind people and companions; besides we can know the protocols and the tips for travelling safety and confidently, the last were made within the framework of the project. This video compilation allows viewers to know, in a few minutes, some of the activities and initiatives carried out by the consortium. ATS VIP: Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons, it is a Project co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2. ...
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ATS VIP 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (Malaga 15-16 September 2021)

ATS VIP 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (Malaga 15-16 September 2021)

ATS VIP 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (Malaga 15-16 September 2021) Accessible Travel Solutions for Visual Impaired People: Consortium joined the third Transnational Project Meeting of ATS VIPOn September 15-16, 2021, Consortium joined the third transnational meeting of ATS VIP, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission.ATS for VIP is implemented by a consortium of 3 partners from 3 European countries (The Republic of North Macedonia, Romania and Spain).It Solutions for All was the organiser and host of the meeting. The meeting was held in a mixed format. ITSFA and ABT met in Malaga face to face, while partner LLN attended the meeting online from Macedonia, because of travelling difficulties due to the Covid-19 crisis.This difficulty did not prevent the LLN partners from perfectly coordinating the two days of meetings.The agenda of the meeting included the following items:• Intellectual Outputs:IO1 – Creation of a methodological framework for accessible and safety travelling for visually impaired persons.IO2 – Creation...
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Project Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons ATS for VIP Erasmus+ KA2

Project Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons ATS for VIP Erasmus+ KA2

Project Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons ATS for VIP Erasmus+ KA2 Project “ “Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons ATS for VIP”” Erasmus+ KA2 Short-term joint staff training events: Introduction to OER for accessible , safety and secure traveling of visual impaired persons. ATSVIP's main project objective is to make traveling accessible and safety for blind and visually impaired people, trough development of barrier-free tourism OER and cross-traffic navigation solutions. Project partners: Lifelong Learning Network, Macedonia Internet Solutions for All, Spain Asociatia Babilon Travel, Romania The Learning, Teaching, Training Activity: Introduction to OER for accessible , safety and secure traveling of visual impaired people was held on 26-31 July in Ohrid, Macedonia in duration of four working days. The short term activities allowed the project partners to verify the produced material, to directly involve beneficiaries to use their knowledge, to gather feedback on the project results and indirectly to involve other stakeholders. The training activity together with other dissemination activities are the best way to share the project...
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Project “Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons ATS for VIP“ Erasmus+ KA2

Project “Accessible travel solutions for visual impaired Persons ATS for VIP“ Erasmus+ KA2

Short-term joint staff training events: Introduction to OER for accessible , safety and secure traveling of visual impaired personsTravel by people with disabilities, also known as “disabled travel” or “accessible travel,” is on the rise. The travel industry is waking up to the special needs of travelers with disabilities by providing more services and greater accommodation.ATSVIP's main project objective is trough development of barrier-free tourism OER and cross-traffic navigation solutions, to make traveling accessible and safety for blind and visually impaired people, the AST for VIP project aim is to improve the mobility and quality of life of these people all around Europe.Project partners:1. Lifelong Learning Network, Macedonia2. Internet Solutions for All, Spain3. Asociatia Babilon Travel, RomaniaThe realization of the project is a collaborative effort for :1. Creation of a methodological framework for accessible and safety traveling for visual impaired persons – IO1, responsible partner ABT2. Creation of an OER for accessible, safety and secure traveling of visual impaired persons...
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ATSVIP CONTEST FOR BEST STORYTELLING VIDEO The CONTEST is about best visual impaired storytelling, related to traveling experience alone within the project ATSVIP. It is a part of the Public awareness campaign for accessibility, safety and security during traveling for visual impaired persons. CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS/GUIDE PARTICIPANTS OF THE CONTEST Visually Impared Persons Accompanying Persons No age limitation VIDEO REQUIREMENTS Video not longer than 3 minutes Language: English, Romanian, Spanish, Macedonian (optional) SELECTION CRITERIA Each project partner will select the best storytelling video in their respective country. The organisation will establish a commission consisted of the organizational staff / collaborators / stakeholders relevant for the project topic. AWARD FOR THE PARTICIPANTS The award for the best storytelling video will be participation in the ATSVIP training activity, held in N. Macedonia or a present for the participant provided by the organizer of the contest. The Contest winner in each partner country will be announced by 20th July, 2021 Please send your storytelling videos via wetransfer, by the 15th July, 2021 on the following email addresses: RO: ES: MK:...
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ATS VIP 2nd Transnational Meeting, July 6-7, 2021

ATS VIP 2nd Transnational Meeting, July 6-7, 2021

The project "Accessible Travel Solutions for Visually Impaired Persons" (ATS4VIP) is part of the Erasmus + KA2 Innovation - Adult Education program. Travel by people with disabilities, also known as "accessible travel", is on the rise. The tourism industry is adapting to the special needs of travelers with disabilities, offering more and more accessible services. The main objective of the ATS4VIP project is the development of open educational solutions related to barrier-free tourism and the movement of visually impaired people locally and abroad, solutions designed to make travel accessible and safe. The aim of the AST4VIP project is to improve the mobility and quality of life of visually impaired/blind people across Europe. To meet the proposed objectives, three project management meetings are implemented in Northern Macedonia, Romania and Spain, a training course in Northern Macedonia and this local multiplier-dissemination event, held in each partner country. The project partners are: • Asociatia Babilon Travel, Romania; • Lifelong Learning Network, Northern Macedonia; • IT Solutions for All, Spain. Associated partner: •...
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