On October 28 and 29, 2021 in Sofia, R. Bulgaria, representatives from Military Academy and partner institutions realized two work activities (Transnational meeting and Multiplier event) were held within the project PREDICT – Prevention of Disaster ICT (Informatics and Computer Technology) from the ERASMUS + program of the European Union (KA 201 – Strategic Partnership for School Education).
Meetings were in the organization of General Directorate Fire Safety and civil protection from Sofia, R. Bulgaria.
At the transnational meeting, the project partners (representatives of institutions from the R.N. Macedonia, R. Bulgaria, and the Kingdom of Spain, discussed the project commitments realized so far, as well as the planned activities in the coming period.

At the Multiplier event in two separate working sessions, the attendees (representatives of schools and other institutions close to the issues addressed in the project) were introduced to the goals and activities of the PREDICT project. At this event, the content of the lesson for the training of children, youth, and persons with disabilities in case of floods, fires, and earthquakes was also disseminated to the participants.