Accessible Travel Solutions for Visually Impaired Persons (ATSforVIP) Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union

Travel by people with disabilities, also known as “disabled travel” or “accessible travel,” is on the rise. The travel industry is waking up to the special needs of travelers with disabilities by providing more services and greater accommodation. Meanwhile, the sheer abundance of information on accessible travel is astounding — much of it generated by travelers with disabilities themselves.
ATSVIP’s main project objective is trough development of barrier-free tourism Open Educational Resource (OER) and cross-traffic navigation solutions, to make traveling accessible and safety for blind and visually impaired people, the AST for VIP project aim is to improve the mobility and quality of life of these people all around Europe. Project results:
• Creation of a methodological framework for accessible and safety traveling for visual impaired persons
• Creation of an OER for accessible, safety and secure traveling of visual impaired persons
• Public awareness campaigns for accessibility, safety and security during traveling for visual impaired persons
• Lifelong Learning Network, Republic of North Macedonia
• Babilon Travel NGO, Romania
• IT Solutions for all, Spain
Open education resource (OER Toolbox)
ATSVIP OER Platfrom will contain information and contents related to accessibility, safety and security during traveling in Macedonia, Spain and Romania. All partner organizations will participate in the choice-making process for the best tools for the OER development and most adequate design. Each participant will modify the features in their mother language and the applicant organization will be responsible for the English version of the OER. The methodology used will be based on a new development technology, specifically tailored for OER development.